
Obviously I don't mind that whenever I look at this blog I'm welcomed by the picture of Chris Hemsworth I posted a month ago, and yet I think it would be good if we really got this blog going a bit more. It's effing hard though, isn't it? Just writing it for ourselves and with no real guide and no imaginary audience to please. And it's annoying because I actually have a lot of things I've been thinking about it. But I don't know how to approach a blog post anymore. It's disturbing. Like, I used to think Margot Robbie was a total bogan face and I couldn't understand how she could become a Hollywood star. But look at her: Now I want to look like her and think about her hair all the time! Luckily while looking for pictures of her on the internet I see that she still kind of is a bogan face, but nothing is black and white I guess. Something else I've been thinking about lately is WTF is with Gorman. I went in their the other day and t...