
Obviously I don't mind that whenever I look at this blog I'm welcomed by the picture of Chris Hemsworth I posted a month ago, and yet I think it would be good if we really got this blog going a bit more. It's effing hard though, isn't it? Just writing it for ourselves and with no real guide and no imaginary audience to please.  And it's annoying because I actually have a lot of things I've been thinking about it. But I don't know how to approach a blog post anymore. It's disturbing.

Like, I used to think Margot Robbie was a total bogan face and I couldn't understand how she could become a Hollywood star. But look at her:

Now I want to look like her and think about her hair all the time!

Luckily while looking for pictures of her on the internet I see that she still kind of is a bogan face, but nothing is black and white I guess.

Something else I've been thinking about lately is WTF is with Gorman. I went in their the other day and there were some nice prints and there were some nice cuts but rarely were they on the same garment. Obus is the same, the great prints are never on the great cuts. And vice versa. Obviously. Is it me? I'm pretty sure it's them.

I guess that's all I've been thinking about lately. And Chris Hemsworth of course.

Oh, and Ewan obvs.


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