RE: Sweet, Mate

Whoa! I have so much to say! First, when you told me JFo had a Gwyneth look at the Emma's I really imagined her dress to be pastel pink but you're right. Even with that fuchsia she still looks GOOPy. Shit, a 70-year-old woman can look how she wants. Any woman can. Even Leigh Sales. I enjoy a cup of tea and a price of chocolate before bed sometimes too. Though sometimes I prefer milk to tea. Makes the treat a little richer. And healthy cause of the calcium. Speaking of sweet treats I tried your day-old orange polenta cake. After a day it was a little dry and I guess my feeling was that the polenta doesn't really doing a cake any favours but perhaps I'd feel differently if I'd eaten it fresh. I look forward to hearing what you have to say about it. I can't believe the icing got that colour from blood orange juice! Fantastic! But mostly I was interested to hear what you had to say about the Ostro woman. Of course I know her. Of her. I don't ...