RE: Sweet, Mate

Whoa! I have so much to say! First, when you told me JFo had a Gwyneth look at the Emma's I really imagined her dress to be pastel pink but you're right. Even with that fuchsia she still looks GOOPy. Shit, a 70-year-old woman can look how she wants. Any woman can. Even Leigh Sales. 

I enjoy a cup of tea and a price of chocolate before bed sometimes too. Though sometimes I prefer milk to tea. Makes the treat a little richer. And healthy cause of the calcium. 

Speaking of sweet treats I tried your day-old orange polenta cake.  After a day it was a little dry and I guess my feeling was that the polenta doesn't really doing a cake any favours but perhaps I'd feel differently if I'd eaten it fresh. I look forward to hearing what you have to say about it. I can't believe the icing got that colour from blood orange juice! Fantastic! But mostly I was interested to hear what you had to say about the Ostro woman. Of course I know her. Of her. I don't follow her on Instagram and to be perfectly honest about my superficiality when I saw the cover of that book I thought how unflattering the photo was. Not ugly, but just she kind of looks like a smug bitch and I found it very off putting, though I'm sure she's a perfectly nice person. But it does seem odd, like why would you put the author on the cover of a cookbook unless it was like, hey she's a great gal, let's share a meal. And that picture does not say that to me at all.I guess also I've just bunched her in with all people that have become someone who lives a certain way and displays that on social media to promote themselves. So basically I wrote her off. But of course I love delicious food and a good recipe so I guess I should have a good proper look at that book. 

When I ordered Sweet I also ordered another cookbook called Cornersmith. Do you know Cornersmith? It's a cafe in Sydney, I learned from looking at this cookbook, and they have a low/no-waste, pickle-your-own, eat-everything kind of ethos that you gotta have these days and seem like just the kind of people I'd find annoying but in fact I found their book not annoying in the least and when I checked their Instagram account they seemed totally normal. Like they just are sprucing their cafe without adorable photos of themselves and their kids and their fucking rooftop veggie patch.or some shit. So I guess I should probably just stop being so judgemental and open my eyes and hearts to people that seem like they may be annoying. 


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