It's time

So this blog has been live for a couple of weeks now and I guess it's time we talked about Ewan.

The other night I was just scrolling through Instagram and a picture that Ewan posted was credited to his daughter Clara and I thought I'd just take a look at her Insta account. It's basically exactly the same as the account of every other daughter of a famous person that grew up in LA. Selfies of her in a bikini or in jeans and a t-shirt and occasional photos of her just chilling with her buds. I'm sure you've seen this kind of account before. The only noticeable difference is that Ewan McFuckingGregor (AKA her dad) comments on a lot of the pics.

One of the first pictures I looked at was a picture of Clara and underneath Ewan had commented "My beautiful girl. x" I have to say, it was kind of confronting. Like, I know that Ewan is a real person with a wife and kids and everything but it was really weird to see him just respond to his adult daughter's Instagram picture as if he was a real person that has other things going on in his life other than being really hot. I mean my mum always leaves comments with that sentiment when I post selfies too. It's weird, ya know. On top of that I had to confront feelings that this annoying woman on the 'Gram is also the daughter of Ewan McGregor. What does it all mean? Maybe she is annoying but has some wonderful qualities inherited from her parents (likely) or perhaps she's really annoying and so are her parents (possible). Maybe a mixture of both (probable).

I mean Ewan! He's just some people's dad! Plus, he's really hot. So weird.


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