2017 reflections

Geez Rory, I can't believe you did that to Caroline! What a jerk. I am so happy she moved on from you and now she is a Grand Slam winner and you're just some jerk that ditched your fiance a week after sending out invitations. You may be good at golf but I literally could not care less about that.

But I've been having thoughts too, mate. Rational ones (and irrational of course but that's not I want to talk about now.) Going back to your previous post though (soz I've been sitting on this post for a while), I have to say I totally feel like I have nothing to say. And when I do have something to say I don't know how to say it or feel like I don't have much to say about it. Or the time to think about it to make it into something blogworthy. Hence this floundering blog I guess. 

But really that brings me to what I wanted to blog about today. Around the Christmas/New Year time I realised that one of the (so many) beauties of Miss Soft Crab is that it was a reason to pause and reflect at the end of every year. I knew I would miss the opportunity for daily reflection but it wasn't until year's end I realised how valuable that more macro reflection was.* So I tried to think about the year that was and the year ahead but I didn't know what to think. In order to gather my thoughts I looked at our MSC roundup of 2016 which covered a crazy year and considered our hopes and dreams for 2017. And while many of mine have not come to fruition (not writing or exercising with any regularity) I had hoped for professional development which I have achieved and which is very exciting because that seemed like the least likely and it's exciting to think I can actually achieve a thing.

I guess the thing is that last year I've really been distracted from everything by the kiddos. On the one hand that's nice. Like, my kids are fucking adorable.  Beanie is still a little dreamboat. F-dawg is just like a golden nugget of cuteness and A-bomb is this awesome little dude just becoming a big person at an alarming rate. (The other day he asked me if cock is a rude word. Yikes!)

But were there any other highlights? What else happened in 2017? I made a couple of outstanding purchases.  One was the oatmeal Cos sweater that I would wear everyday of winter if I could. It is the epitome of warm sweater. Dare I say the pinnacle. Sweaters have come and gone but this is the real thing. The other thing was a proper micro plane. It has really revolutionised the way I grate things micro and I can't believe it took me so long to buy it. 

I guess the other big thing was the demise of MSC. Sigh.

But was 2017 just an uneventful year or am I failing to capture the important moments because I'm not looking at the world through the MSC lens?  

I don't know the answer but I think it's  worth exploring. 

*While writing this post I looked at a couple of old MSC posts. Just pictures of all the hunks was enough to make me laugh. What a great blog. 


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