Re: (Un)real mothers of instagram

Hi Mate, 

I saw both of those Instagram posts too. I didn’t read the ZoFoBla one because it had far too many words! But I read the EHawk one and thought, yeah, that’s OK girl.

In general, I have mixed feelings about her Instagram feed. On the face of it, she is aiming for a place in the pantheon of WAGs who have effortless style, and taste that is very…tasteful. They love textiles and homewares and relaxing at home with family. This is gross and I have not time for it, other than all the time I spend looking at it on the gram, which is heaps, obvs. But looking at EHawk’s photos, I get the impression that she’s not quite on top of the whole effortless style thing, and it makes me feel a bit sorry for her. Like, it’s technically effortless style, but it’s a bit munted. Poor little EHawk, I think. You’re not quite nailing it, are you? The whole thing makes me feel a little more fondly towards her.


And while we’re on the topic of feeling fondly, Deb from Smitten Kitchen posted a picture the other day of something or other that she made for the babysitter to eat. Naturally, the whole point of the post was to point out how OTT she goes with making food for people. Give it a rest Deb! I thought. She’s been on about that sort of thing for years and she just WON’T QUIT .

But then I watched a youtube video of her making a galette and she explained something about the pastry – that you want to keep it as cold as possible for as long as possible so it flakes up when it hits the heat of the oven. It made me remember why I liked her so much in the first place. She tells you a little bit about why you should do something, not just what you should do.

Way to go, deb.  



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