(Un)real mothers of Instagram

Are you there God - it's me Margaret.

Just jokes, hi mate. I'm here. Weird.

When I come to Blogger it automatically takes me to the Miss Soft Crab page. I have to navigate away to come here to Hi Mate. It is both quite sad but also fine.

If I were to write Miss Soft Crab this week and had the time to write a decent post I would have written about two Instagram posts I saw last week which got me thinking. First ZoFoBla posted a picture of her sleeping baby and the caption was about her baby's reflux and how she's received some hot tips on how to combat it and one thing she did - and you should do to if your baby doesn't sleep - is buy this $300 bed thing which helps the baby sleep and burp I guess. "It's $300 dollars and you can only use it for 3-4 months, but what price sleep?" It really ground my gears. Like, I know $300 is not $1000 but not everyone has $300 lying around. For some people that is a lot of money but her comment really made it feel like it was incomprehensible to her that a person couldn't just drop that money because she told them to. It seemed so out of touch with reality. I think particularly it annoyed me that she presents herself as this everywoman, but I guess it's really hard to be an everywoman if you have shitloads of money.

On the flipside I saw this post by Emma Hawkins that was a picture of a hotel room and her talking about how she had ten hours sleep because Tomahawk had secretly booked this hotel and sent her off there so she could have some me time while he (or a nanny) looked after the baby. Obviously this is a pretty enviable event, but rather than go on about how restorative it was, or rather on top of going on about how restorative it was, she added that she knows that she is very lucky and not everyone can do that and that just seemed like a much more appropriate ending to a post about how great your life is. Who thought that EHawk would come out on top?!

Anyway, that is all.


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