RE: Tuesday thoughts

Finding time for stuff. It's a dilemma as old as time. LOL!
But seriously. 
Mate, I don't have anywhere near the claims on my time that you've got and yet I feel like have no time for stuff. No time at all. The other day Holloway organized an dinner with a relative of his, of his Dad's generation, who he saw at a funeral recently. It was a perfectly pleasant evening but leading up to it I kept thinking I don't have time to see my actual friends, why the fudge am I doing this? 
 I'm writing this on the Wednesday that came eight days after the Thursday you wrote your last post. I've thought about writing so many times over those eight days but I've felt like I don't have the time. It's only now, with the little H bomb in bed, Holloway out for the night, dinner consumed and dishes cleaned that I feel like I've got the time to sit in front of a screen and type. And those are the circumstances I feel I need to write something. But they're so irregularly occurring, if I hold on to the thought they're what I need I will never have the time. Maybe that's the answer. Maybe I've  just got to recognize that while I will never feel like I have the time for everything, I may indeed have the time for everything. Or you know, most things. I just have to look at shabby circumstances in which to get things done as ripe for getting things done. 
Other thoughts. 
Your children are totally adorable and I am super excited to hang with them on Saturday night when you're at the wedding of the century, which I'm just calling that because I'm sure there are people who would appreciate it being named thus. 
I dyed an item of clothing today for the first time.  I feel really good about it. And like I'm a more 'useful' person now than I was at the start of the day.
I'm really getting close to dyeing my hair. Not blonde. More like a lighter honey chestnut. I want light honey chestnut in my life and on my head. 


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