Tuesday thoughts

Over the school holidays I was feeling pretty stressed out. I had lots of work and no time and also no money and everything seemed to be weighing on me heavily. But I knew some money would come in and some time would come too and I decided I could put off a few bits of work until this week. I could put off writing here for a few days and  I could put off the launch of my Open Letter blog till this week or next. It made me feel a bit more at peace but the time mate! There is no time. Last night A. told me "I want to be a singer or an actor or a (something else I can't remember because there is also no brain space)" I said, "I always wanted to be a singer." He asked me "Why aren't you a singer? You could be. Maybe you will be one day." It was so goddamn sweet. When am I ever going to have the time to write down all the adorable things the kids do? It's very upsetting. This morning when J. was looking at a picture of F. on my phone I said, "That's F. Where's F?' He was sleeping beside her and she turned around and patted him! And later when I told him he said "That's a nice story!" How can I capture all this adorableness?

Also today I got an email from Mecca telling me about a product that harnesses "the ingredients used by astronauts to stop rapid ageing in space conditions". Somehow it made me simultaneously think "I WANT THAT" and "SOUNDS LIKE BULLSHIT!" Why is my brain capable of thinking two things at once about such a rubbish thing and not about something useful


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